It’s estimated that over 70 per cent of Canadians will encounter at least one traumatic event during their lives[1], with nearly 10% developing PTSD at some point. Now, imagine the ripple effect when such trauma isn’t processed or healed but instead transferred through generations. This intergenerational and family of origin trauma can lead to conditions like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and ADHD. But what if there’s a way to break this cycle? What if you could be the one to rewrite your family’s narrative?


Understanding the Roots: Intergenerational and Family of Origin Trauma

Intergenerational trauma, also known as transgenerational trauma, refers to the psychological and somatic effects that get passed down from our parents, grandparents and ancestors who have experienced traumatic events. This inherited trauma can manifest in various ways, including chronic anxiety and depression.

Family of origin trauma relates to the adverse experiences and dysfunctional patterns within one’s immediate family that contribute to emotional and psychological distress.


1. The Cycle of Intergenerational Trauma

  • Exposure to traumatic events
  • Inability to process the trauma effectively
  • Transfer of trauma symptoms to subsequent generations


2. The Pathway of Family of Origin Trauma

  • Dysfunctional family dynamics and adverse experiences
  • Development of unhealthy coping mechanisms and behavioural patterns
  • Emergence of mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression
  • Addressing the Roots: Overcoming Intergenerational and Family of Origin Trauma


The good news is, this cycle of inherited trauma isn’t inevitable; it’s possible to break free and foster healing.


1. Acknowledge the Trauma

Recognizing and accepting the existence of intergenerational and family of origin trauma is the crucial first step towards overcoming it. This involves delving into family history, acknowledging painful experiences, and understanding their impact.


2. Seek Professional Help

Therapists and counsellors specialised in trauma can help individuals understand, process, and heal from their traumatic experiences. Different therapeutic approaches like Transpersonal Psychology, Intergenerational Trauma Therapy, Somatic Therapy, and Family Systems Therapy can be effective.


3. Cultivate Healthy Relationships

Building and maintaining healthy relationships can provide emotional support and contribute to overcoming trauma. This includes establishing boundaries and encouraging open, honest communication.


4. Practice Self-care and Mindfulness

Regular self-care and mindfulness practices like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises can help manage symptoms of anxiety and depression, promoting overall well-being.


Breaking Chains: Embracing Intergenerational and Family Trauma

Intergenerational and family of origin trauma can cast a long shadow over the lives of those affected. Yet, by understanding these roots of anxiety and depression, you can begin to untangle their influence. Remember, it’s not about placing blame but about acknowledging the past to foster healing and growth.


You are not defined by your family’s past. You have the power to overcome trauma, and you don’t have to do it alone. Reach out to a mental health professional today and begin your journey towards healing. Together, we can break these chains, one link at a time.

Healing the Generational Wound: Overcoming Family Trauma

Are you ready to begin your journey towards healing? Don’t wait another day. Start addressing your intergenerational and family of origin trauma now. Seek professional help and rewrite your story. You’re not alone, and help is only a step away. Book your free consultation with a certified mind-body counsellor or psychologist.