We are delighted to offer Community Acupuncture at Empower Health! Delivered by our Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor, Kelly Zeng ,Community Acupuncture is a delivery model of acupuncture treatment where a group of clients receive acupuncture treatment at the same time. The treatment takes place in our inviting spacious Studio or our cosy, intimate IV Room. Clients lie on lounge chairs clothed and receive points on the scalp, ears below the knees and below the elbows. Sessions usually last one hour but clients are welcome to stay longer and enjoy maximum benefits if there is space and time.
If you are interested in receiving a powerful treatment at less than half the price of a private visit call our office or email us to book in your appointment. And ask about our bulk treatment packages for the best value!
Dr. Rae Nicole St. Arnault uses her Naturopathic training to help put the power back into your hands as a patient, giving you the tools you need to make good health care decisions.
Treating a wide range of conditions, Dr. Rae has advanced training in hormone therapies and pain management, two areas of health that can affect your wellbeing in dramatic ways. Applying ancient approaches to modern technologies, Dr. Rae uses advanced assessment methods and therapies that support your ability to heal yourself from the inside out, and not just mask the symptoms.
Dr. Rae has also dedicated her life to the betterment of her community, and, as co-founder of Empower Health, she knows that healing the planet means healing people first. So don’t compromise on your ability to feel Better Now!