Health Education

Benefits of Pre-Birth Acupuncture

By |2017-12-22T22:34:10-08:00April 27th, 2017|Categories: Therapies|Tags: , , , |

Acupuncture does it again. Acupuncture is a highly effective, safe and natural method for many pregnancy concerns women face almost always. In recent years this ancient technique has been gaining more and more recognition for helping pregnant women maintain optimal health. As it should.  Pre-birth acupuncture is used during final weeks of pregnancy, the 36th ...

Inherited family trauma and healing through Family Constellations

By |2017-12-22T22:35:10-08:00February 15th, 2017|Categories: Therapies|Tags: , |

If you don’t know what it is you’re looking for, how could you possibly find it? Anxiety, fear, financial worries, depression, illness and unhappy relationships can all be forms of inherited emotional trauma. Our current therapeutic models rarely identify the unconscious family dynamics that underlie many of the physical, emotional and psychological symptoms that we ...

Synergy with voice therapy in an integrated health clinic

By |2017-12-22T22:36:09-08:00November 17th, 2016|Categories: Therapies|Tags: , , |

Voice therapy within an integrated health clinic setting works together with a variety of modalities to support health and wellness. A Synergistic approach to healthcare is one of the special attributes of Empower Health. Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. The term synergy comes ...

Personal Reflection on Community Acupuncture

By |2017-12-22T22:38:09-08:00November 14th, 2016|Categories: Empower Team, Therapies|Tags: , |

Reflecting on my personal experience doing community acupuncture: By Kevin Scrimgeour As an acupuncturist , I've working for over 15 years in dozens of settings and seeing thousands of patients. My practice has evolved, surprisingly, to be a better fit in a community setting. Looking back over my experiences and case histories some things I could never ...

Being Healthy this Winter

By |2017-12-22T22:39:07-08:00November 9th, 2016|Categories: Conditions, Therapies|Tags: , |

Acupuncture to get you healthy this winter Common symptoms in winter, sneezing, coughing, sore throat and headaches … does this sound familiar to you? Unfortunately winter isn’t all about Christmas and ski trips. The cold and damp weather brings a variety of colds and flus that can really put a damper on the season. Did you ...

RMT can help with Plantar Fasciitis

By |2018-12-16T19:58:33-08:00November 7th, 2016|Categories: Conditions|Tags: , |

Plantar Fasciitis is clearly known by that burning, tearing, hot, painful feeling on the bottom of the foot, typically starting on the heel and sometimes travelling into the arches of the feet. The pain is at its worst in the morning getting out of bed to stand as well as after a long day at work. ...

Massage Therapy helps with Poor Posture

By |2018-12-16T19:59:16-08:00October 21st, 2016|Categories: Conditions|Tags: , |

Ask any RMT, Registered Massage Therapist, and hands down the most common type of “issues” we treat are posture related issues, due to poor posture. This type of person typically spends 8 or more hours a day sitting in front of computer, followed by their commute home whether it be sitting down on the bus ...

The myth of deep tissue massage

By |2023-06-07T16:18:25-07:00October 15th, 2016|Categories: Therapies|Tags: , |

What is Deep Tissue Massage? When I entered massage therapy practice a few years ago I started hearing a very puzzling term from advertising and from clients: deep tissue. Never in my two years of intensive study had I heard this term before. At first I just brushed it off as marketing. Boil that down, ...

Food Pyramids Take a Tumble

By |2017-12-22T22:50:41-08:00October 15th, 2016|Categories: Health Education|Tags: |

Author: Brenda Wollenberg BSW RHN A Brief History on Food Pyramids: While having a shorter history than the Egyptian pyramids—as well as less tourist traffic and movie exposure—the USDA Food Pyramid and its Canadian counterpart food guide have definitely been around for awhile. Elementary schools prominently display large colorful food pyramid or food rainbow posters and ...

How long does influenza last?

By |2017-12-22T21:42:22-08:00September 26th, 2016|Categories: Conditions|Tags: , |

Flu, influenza! Need remedies? Got questions? The Empower Health team can help you. Getting the Flu, also called influenza, we all dread this, and when it happens our first question is: How long is this going to last!? The flu can make you uncomfortable and often bed ridden.  Influenza usually lasts between 7 and 14 ...