Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner Joining our Team in East Vancouver!

By |2022-09-15T16:56:18-07:00September 15th, 2022|Categories: Empower Team|Tags: , , , |

I am a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dr. TCM) who will be joining the collaborative healthcare team at Empower Health this Fall season in September 2022. I am moving my full-time Chinese Medicine practice from Victoria, BC to Vancouver and am delighted to be based on Commercial Drive in East Vancouver, a vibrant diverse ...

World Psychedelics Day

By |2022-10-06T09:34:17-07:00June 17th, 2021|Categories: Health Education, Special Announcements, Special Events, Therapies|

  There is a growing body of research and anecdotal evidence showing the effectiveness of psychedelic assisted therapies for a long list of health conditions including depression, PTSD, OCD, suicidal ideation, anxiety, end-of-life distress, alcohol use disorder and opioid dependence. Through the COVID-19 pandemic the mental health of many Canadians suffered with 40% reporting a ...

Jessica’s Journey to Becoming A Naturopathic Physician

By |2019-05-13T13:55:24-07:00May 13th, 2019|Categories: Empower Team, Health Education|Tags: , |

Happy Naturopathic Medicine Week (May 13-19 2019)! This week is truly important to raise awareness of the naturopathic profession, but have you ever considered becoming a naturopathic doctor as your career? I’m currently studying to become a naturopathic doctor and I am doing my internship at Empower Health Clinic. I am excited to share my ...

Unique Breathwork Styles Offered At Empower Health with Shama Zeynep

By |2019-05-23T15:22:05-07:00May 8th, 2019|Categories: Empower Team|Tags: , , |

Breath is the bridge between your conscious and unconscious mind. As your psychology has an effect on your breathing patterns, your breath has an effect on your psychology. Most of us only use only 30% percent of our breathing capacity. Because of this, you experience a lack of oxygen which causes fatigue, stress, and ultimately, ...

Remembering The Past 5 Years…

By |2019-04-01T20:28:54-07:00March 30th, 2019|Categories: Empower Team|Tags: , |

Five years have gone by in the blink of an eye and it feels like it was only yesterday that we were ripping up carpets and tearing down walls to make room for a clinic we would call Empower Health. Having an anniversary on April Fools Day has been the source of many jokes between ...

It takes a team to run a clinic!

By |2019-01-09T08:17:26-08:00January 9th, 2019|Categories: Empower Team|

As co-founders of Empower Health, Rae and Helen thank our lucky stars every day that we get to work with these amazing people! Our team is made up of a diverse range of ethnic, cultural and demographic backgrounds and we have every age range from toddlers to grandparents as well as a dear animal companion ...

2019 – The Year of Team at Empower Health!

By |2019-01-09T13:00:46-08:00January 9th, 2019|Categories: Empower Team|Tags: |

We are delighted to start 2019 featuring our vision, mission and values at Empower Health and the amazing team who make it all happen! With Team Players as one of the core values at Empower, our main focus since we opened in April 2014 has been to cultivate a workplace environment that fosters transparency, integrity ...

Empower Health welcomes General Practitioner and pain specialist, Dr. Joel Kailia!

By |2021-10-25T13:29:47-07:00December 12th, 2018|Categories: Empower Team, Therapies|Tags: |

We are delighted to announce Empower Health will be hosting Dr. Joel Kailia on December 27 & 28. Dr Kailia is a GP specialist in chronic pain and addictions from Nelson, BC. He has been treating chronic pain for 15 years and has been doing ultrasound-guided pain procedures for the last five years with great ...

Personal Reflection on Community Acupuncture

By |2017-12-22T22:38:09-08:00November 14th, 2016|Categories: Empower Team, Therapies|Tags: , |

Reflecting on my personal experience doing community acupuncture: By Kevin Scrimgeour As an acupuncturist , I've working for over 15 years in dozens of settings and seeing thousands of patients. My practice has evolved, surprisingly, to be a better fit in a community setting. Looking back over my experiences and case histories some things I could never ...

Making Alternative Healthcare More Affordable

By |2017-12-23T10:45:15-08:00May 25th, 2016|Categories: Classes & Groups, Community Partners, Empower Team|Tags: , , , , |

Naturopathic Medicine for 1/2 the price! Our  Integrative Health Assessment Process is already in full swing!  Naturopathic Interns from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine are completing their clinic competency requirements through Empower Health Clinic, under the direct supervision of licensed naturopathic physician.  You get more heads on your case, additional research and no compromise in quality ...

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