Self Care Level 1: Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® @ Empower Health
Apr 20 – Apr 22 all-day

A poster for the Self Care Level 1: Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® event

This class and the instructor have secured CMTBC Cycle 11 approval for 14 PE CECs. If you need additional information about the class contact the instructor Donna Zubrod at 919.810.0003 donnazubrod@nc.rr.com. Local contact for the class is Sheryl Watson 604.220.9265 btrflypower@hotmail.com.

This 2.5-day self-care oriented hands-on class is for everyone interested in improving their reproductive and digestive wellness. It covers anatomy and physiology of the abdominal and reproductive organs of women and men, addresses the causes and symptoms of a displaced uterus, prostate congestion, and demonstrates self-care abdominal massage techniques. The class also addresses herbal, nutritional, emotional, and spiritual support for the massage techniques ensuring thorough understanding of how these techniques facilitate optimal wellness. The aim of the class is for students to know how to perform the abdominal self-care massage and other self-care techniques on her/himself. For licensed healthcare practitioners who wish to offer Arvigo® Therapy professionally, this Level 1 class is a prerequisitive for enrollment in the Level 2 Arvigo® Professional Training.

Class tuition:
$375 CAD plus $98 USD registration fee
After 1 April 2018: $425 CAD plus $98 USD registration fee
Tuition includes all materials, color manual, healthy snacks and refreshments, 1:1 hands-on teaching session with an Arvigo® practitioner

Register online at arvigotherapy.com: https://www.arvigotherapy.com/content/self-care-training-april-2018-zubrod

The Arvigo Institute LLC is a licensed provider for NCBTMB massage therapists (17.5 CE Hours), NCCAOM licensed acupuncturists (18 PDA Points). This class and the instructor have secured CMTBC Cycle 11 approval for 14 PE CECs.

For more info: 
Donna Zubrod 919.810.0003 donnazubrod@nc.rr.com or
Sheryl Watson 604.220.9265 btrflypower@hotmail.com

Osho NO MIND Meditative therapy — Detox your BODY & MIND @ Wooden Gables Meditative Healing Orchard by the Sea
Apr 26 – May 2 all-day

Use this is an opportunity to dive into 7 days long transformational journey!

This special 7-day residential program is designed to have a little break from your busy lives and to have a chance to relax your nervous system, create, silence and joy. It is life changing opportunity to clear and clean your mind-body-being.

Osho® No Mind Meditative Therapy is designed for the contemporary man. Meditative Therapies are processes for freeing old, stuck energies, to renew vitality and to create space for silence. They work energetically, bypassing the conscious, analytical mind. They are therefore clear, pure processes where individuals are connecting directly with their own energy. It is a moment-to-moment encounter with oneself.

No Mind is a breakthrough to meditation, a speeding up process to connect with our natural state of being. 

OSHO No Mind is a meditative therapy process lasting for 2 hours a day for 7 days. For the first hour, we use gibberish to empty the mind of all garbage, allowing -in the second hour- a great silence to arise from within

In addition to No Mind process we will be offering on a daily basis: Osho Dynamic and Kundalini and Nadabrahma Meditations, alone time, walks in nature, hikes, sitting by the ocean on beautiful sandy beach, soothing cleansing foods to calm and energize the body, as well as the use of biotechnologies that help the body rejuvenate and relax.

Daily program: 
7 or 8 am Osho Dynamic
2 hours Osho No Mind process
Work as meditation 40 minutes (in silence as a commune)
4-5 pm Osho Kundalini Meditation
7 pm Dinner
8:30-9:30 pm Nadabrahma or other Osho meditation

About the Facilitator:
Shama is Osho Therapist 10+ years of experience in her field. She is also a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner and a Trauma Therapist. Her purpose is to help individuals who are suffering from emotional, mental or physical symptoms due to difficult or traumatic events. Her work especially targets depression, anxiety, chronic pain and stress-related conditions.

About the hosts: 

Osho lovers and Sannyasins, Sumiran and Rubai have been facilitating Osho meditations throughout the lower mainland for over a decade. They began the Osho Vancouver meditation Meetup more than seven years ago. And they are coordinators for Just Dance, an Osho inspired weekly dance event.

Dates: 26 April- 2 May
Place: Wooden Gables Meditative Healing Seaside Orchard, Gibsons, BC
Price*: 500 cad – 600 cad includes food, accommodation, and the process for seven days, 6 nights

Please remember to contact with organizers to learn what you should bring!
Limited to 15 attendees please RSVP and contact the hosts if interested as space will fill up quickly!
Questions about accommodation types and address please contact Rubai or Sumiran 778-836-9441 
For more information about the process please contact Shama.

NOTE: Accommodation will be dorm-style simple, clean, comfortable; extra charge for a double room

*This is a promo price only for this time to celebrate the opening of Wooden Gables Meditative Healing Seaside Orchard! Regular price is 900 CAD

Bio-Energy Healing: Training Course L1 @ Empower Health
May 12 @ 9:00 am – May 13 @ 6:30 pm

Bio-Energy-HealingAwaken the Healer Within!

You are invited to attend the “Bio-Energy Healing Training Course – Level 1” coming up this month!

Sat, May 12th – Sun, May 13th, 2018
9:00 am to 6:30 pm

$297 plus GST / $50 Deposit Secures Your Seat

During the training course you will learn the techniques to heal yourself, friends, family and pets.

At the end of the weekend you’ll be qualified as a Bio-Energy Healer, Level One.

You’ll also experience the profound physical, emotional and energetic healing effects of this powerful holistic treatment for yourself.

*REGISTER YOURSELF for the Bio-Energy Training Course By Clicking the Green “Tickets” Button at the top right of your screen.

A key component of the weekend is learning the nitty-gritty of how to master the Law of Attraction to manifest what you truly desire in life.

Whether your working on the area of health, career, fitness or creating a soulmate relationship, your participation in this training weekend will allow you to take a quantum leap forward towards your goal.

Most importantly, this course will give you the confidence, knowledge and skills you need in order to make a real difference in the lives of others.

Each participant will receive the “Bio-Inspired Manual” with detailed technique instructions and valuable tips and tools.

I’m keeping this class small and intimate (max 12 participants) so that myself and the assisting team can offer you more one-on-one instruction in the healing techniques.


How to Register and Pay Your Deposit:

  • The tuition for the training weekend is $297 (plus gst).
  • Space is limited. Please reserve your seat by Friday, May 4th, 2018, by making a deposit of $50 (plus gst).
  • The balance of tuition ($247 plus gst) is due by Friday, May 11th, 2018.
  • Register yourself and pay the deposit by clicking on the red “Tickets” button at the top right of your screen.


What to Expect on the Course:

  • Master the 12 Fundamental Bio-Energy Healing Techniques.
  • Find out how to scan the chakras to detect & release blocked energy & restore the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
  • Discover the KEY to changing the body’s HEALTH BLUEPRINT.
  • Learn how to effectively treat pain, injuries, arthritis, stress, depression, low energy, trauma emotional imbalances + more.
  • Release negative emotions and uplift your consciousness to the next level.
  • Bio-Energy is recognized as one of the most effective certified holistic treatment & training programs available.
  • Bio-Energy Healing has been featured on TV: “Remedy Me”; Oprah’s OWN Network; “W” Network; “First Talk”, Joy TV; BCIT Magazine; Shaw TV, etc.


We look forward to being with you on the Training Weekend!
To Your Happiness and Health ~

David Raphael, B.Ed
Bio-Energy Healer / Teacher
(604) 689 – 8034

A Level 1 Workshop, offered in cooperation with Michael D’Alton’s School of Bio-Energy Healing. This course prepares
you for the Bio-Energy Professional Practitioner Training Program.
Fierce Loving: Whole-Hearted Conversations @ Empower Health
May 27 @ 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm


Join Trevor & Jenna every 4th Sunday for a titillating exploration of an essential principle of deep intimacy. Together with your partner, you’ll delve into the heart of both great communication and great sex, as well as the finer nuances that elevate these skills into mastery.

Our Sunday Flings are fun, informative and experiential 5-hour workshops (1 pm – 6 pm) that help partners develop the essential skills of deep intimacy. Through teachings, demonstrations, discussions, and practices with your partner, you’ll leave each Sunday Flings with a new “Intimacy Essential” that you can put into practice immediately.

Sunday Flings are open to all genders and relationship models. You don’t need to be “a couple” to participate but you do need to attend with a partner that you feel comfortable doing intimate, clothes-on experiential exercises with.


Feeling heard and understood is one of our deepest human needs and foundational in any robust intimate partnership. Cultivating the capacity for deep listening and honest, compassionate expression creates emotional safety, trust and deepens the bond of intimacy.

At this Sunday Fling you and your partner will:

  • Discover the one single pattern that hi-jacks most lovers conversations leaving them feeling unheard, frustrated and disconnected.
  • Learn the key principles essential to break free of this toxic pattern.
  • Learn strategies to regulate your emotions and de-escalate tense moments.
  • Practice simple, yet powerful communication techniques that will immediately leave you feeling “gotten” and as a result, more deeply connected.



Liberate Your Lineage Workshop @ Empower Health
Jun 23 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Liberate Your Lineage Workshop

Our family systems have a powerful influence on how we experience the present, past and future. We know that inherent family patterns are passed down from generation to generation and these patterns teach us how to defend, how to bind anxiety, how to grieve loss, or not grieve loss, and for many how, and who, to be in the world. And sometimes what we inherit from the system of our family isn’t congruent with our own authenticity.

Shamanism works on a level that bypasses the conscious mind allowing one to connect with one’s inner knowing, the ancestors, the elements, the animal spirits, and spirit guides to uncover what is out of balance and needs illumination. This workshop will blend transpersonal teachings and experiential shamanic practices allowing participants to transform the effects of what has been passed down and achieve liberation.

This workshop is co-created and facilitated by Val Adamson and Sonya Weir. Val is a practising Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC) and Sonya is a Shamanic Practitioner. Both have private practices in Vancouver.

For registration information, please email: liberateyourlineage@gmail.com

Fierce Loving: Sexplicit Talk @ Empower Health
Jul 22 @ 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm


Learn how to more easily and openly talk about your sexual truths, preferences, and desires with your partner.

Join Trevor & Jenna every 4th Sunday for a titillating exploration of an essential principle of deep intimacy. Together with your partner, you’ll delve into the heart of both great communication and great sex, as well as the finer nuances that elevate these skills into mastery.

Our Sunday Flings are fun, informative and experiential 5-hour workshops (1 pm – 6 pm) that help partners develop the essential skills of deep intimacy. Through teachings, demonstrations, discussions, and practices with your partner, you’ll leave each Sunday Flings with a new “Intimacy Essential” that you can put into practice immediately.

Sunday Flings are open to all genders and relationship models. You don’t need to be “a couple” to participate but you do need to attend with a partner that you feel comfortable doing intimate, clothes-on experiential exercises with.

Fierce Loving: The Art of Sensual Touch – CANCELED @ Empower Health
Aug 26 @ 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm


Become “sensational” lovers as you and your partner expand the artistry of sensual and embodied touch.

Join Trevor & Jenna every 4th Sunday for a titillating exploration of an essential principle of deep intimacy. Together with your partner, you’ll delve into the heart of both great communication and great sex, as well as the finer nuances that elevate these skills into mastery.

Our Sunday Flings are fun, informative and experiential 5-hour workshops (1 pm – 6 pm) that help partners develop the essential skills of deep intimacy. Through teachings, demonstrations, discussions, and practices with your partner, you’ll leave each Sunday Flings with a new “Intimacy Essential” that you can put into practice immediately.

Sunday Flings are open to all genders and relationship models. You don’t need to be “a couple” to participate but you do need to attend with a partner that you feel comfortable doing intimate, clothes-on experiential exercises with.

Birth Prep and Recovery Workshop @ Empower Health
Sep 6 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Birth Prep and Recovery Workshop

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Anniken Chadwick is offering an education and exercise workshop to learn how best to prepare your body for birth, and how to optimize post partum recovery. Get physically ready and confident for birth and minimize the challenges of incontinence and weakness.

The cost is $40 and a group Physiotherapy receipt will be provided.

Anniken Chadwick has a particular passion for women’s and men’s health issues and a natural affinity for this delicate and socially ‘hushed’ area of healthcare. She is a firm believer in East meets West medicine and uses her in-depth knowledge of the physical body, along with her personal awareness of the importance of the ‘self in health’ to provide a holistic treatment approach. Read more.

Womb Drum Journey @ Empower Health
Sep 13 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Discover how to balance digestion, reproductive health, deepen your connection to your core and re-ignite your vitality with Arvigo® Therapy and a womb drum journey.

Learn how Arvigo® Therapy can support your healing with:

  • fertility issues,
  • menstrual irregularities,
  • scar tissue and trauma,
  • P.C.O.S., endometriosis,
  • digestive disorders,
  • chronic bladder and vaginal infections,
  • alleviate pelvic symptoms and chronic low back pain,
  • support the transition into menopause and long-term vaginal health,
  • increase sexual health, libido and orgasm,
  • heal trauma.

Participate in a womb drum journey meditation to:

  • restore harmony and connection to your womb,
  • dissolve energy blocks,
  • recognize patterns that cause energy loss and imbalance,
  • hear the wisdom of your inner guidance,
  • renew your connection to your life force energy and re-ignite your wild aliveness.

$20 suggested donation (no one will be turned away for lack of funds).

Call to reserve, space is limited.

Increase Emotional Awareness & Dance Your Ass Off @ Empower Health
Sep 15 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

5 emotionsDo you desire to be less reactive?
Do you want to feel more joy?
Do you want to be more connected to your body?
Are you tired of getting stepped all over?
Do you crave more authentic connection?

Taran has curated this event with the deepest desire to empower beings with awareness in every moment. Let’s do the work and play at the same time.

Emotions are energy in motion. Most people deal with them two unhealthy ways:

1) reacting to the intensity of the energy without having any awareness, causing harm to others and manifesting unwanted situations.

2) Suppress, distract, divert attention, look for positive logic, turn on the TV, anxiety binding behaviours (over business, overwhelm, stress) and even go to self-help books.

The effects of these two ways of dealing with emotions are immense on our physical, mental and spiritual state. Sometimes causing long-term effects such as depression, addiction to drugs, even cancer etc. When we suppress emotions like anger, we disempower ourself by not identifying that “was NOT okay”.

In this workshop you will:
1) identify your relationship with the 5 natural emotions: Grief, Anger, Envy, Fear, Love
2) Gain body awareness as these energies move through your body
3) Learn how to communicate vulnerably about your current state
4) Find your connection to your body in movement
5) Dance like you’ve never danced before
~ let the ego go by allowing your body to move the way it wants. No matter how it LOOKS like, I promise you that you
will be surprised.
~I will be playing some dope music that I’ve picked up this past year, you won’t want to miss out these global sounds~

*PRICE: Donation based. GIVING without expectation usually comes back 10 folds :)

A Little About Taran Walia (facilitator):
Taran is a Freedom Coach and currently in her third year for Transpersonal Psychology Counselling Program.
Ever since she left her corporate gig, she has been learning, healing and travelling all over the world living the life of her dreams and aligning to her purpose.
Taran’s purpose is to support individuals to heal their traumas and EVOLVE by bringing awareness in every single area of their life: relationships, life goals, purpose, health, career and more.

Taran is driven by the desire for each person:
– to feel the highest level of connection;
– to evolve into their best self;
– to express themselves to the fullest.

If you’d like to find out more about Taran’s story, please check out this video: