Our Community Partner: Advance Concussion Clinic
Where did the idea of the business come from and when? The business was founded in 2013 by Dr. Cirelle Rosenblatt, the Clinic’s Founder and Clinical Director. It was based on a growing recognition of the need for British Columbia to mobilize and act on the silent epidemic of concussion. What kind of things do you do to further your ...
Understanding Concussions and Your Brain Health
Concussions can take a toll on our brain health at any age. A concussion is defined as a traumatic brain injury caused by a direct blow to the head, face, neck or body with an impulsive force transmitted to the head which impairs neurologic function. While this may be physically seen in terms of a loss of functioning, it does ...
How To Get To The Root Of Your Unique Self-Care Needs
Self- Care seems to be quite the catch phrase these days. In our faced paced world of distractions and continually being available to connect with others on our phones, through social media, or via email, our “me” time has become more and more limited. Our “self-care” strategies are a search to create a sense of inner calm and peace. Temporary ...
Chronic Pain Treatment with MyoActivation
What is MyoActivation? MyoActivation is a trigger point injection method that starts by identifying problems in the body’s myofascial system which can be caused by scars from injury or surgery, imbalances from overuse and many other reasons. What is the myofascial system? Simply put, it is the muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues that are bathed in a lubricating ...
5 Tips to Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels
How do you know if you have enough testosterone? The most common presentation of low testosterone (or at least the one most men seem to pay most attention to) is low libido. While there are many different reasons for having a low libido such as physical, psychological and relationship related stressors or imbalances, low testosterone can be the culprit. As ...
How to Protect Your Prostate from Enlargement and Cancer
Are you having difficulty peeing or getting an erection? It’s a good chance that your prostate is the cause. The prostate really needs to come with a lifetime warranty. However, the prostate tends to enlarge as we age, and is prone to prostate cancer. In Canada, 1 in 7 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime and 1 in ...