
QMUNITY: BC’s queer, trans, and Two-Spirit Resource Centre

By |August 14th, 2018|Categories: Community Partners|Tags: |

QMUNITY was founded in 1978, to advance LGBTQ2S+ equality at a time when acceptance and celebration of queer, trans, and Two-Spirit people was not at the levels we experience today. The services are loosely understood within three pillars: support, connection and leadership. QMUNITY provides connection through age-specific programming for LGBTQ2S+ youth and seniors as well as a number of peer support ...

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i-Training – Targeted Conditioning for the Interstitium

By |August 14th, 2018|Categories: Community Partners|Tags: , |

i-Training is a concept that Rena Shields developed through her Pilates practice for over 16 years. She initially had a regular Pilates Studio at 4th and Stephens that after 4 years started to evolve as she learned from her client’s needs there was more to what was needed by her clients than just Pilates. She brought in Oxygen Compressors for ...

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Important facts you need to know about exercise and fitness

By |August 10th, 2018|Categories: Conditions, Health Education|Tags: , , , |

I think three of the biggest things to understand are: the difference between GENERAL MOVEMENT (i.e. “physical activities”) vs. purposeful EXERCISE, the difference between exercising for HEALTH vs. FITNESS, the difference between HEALTHY MOVEMENT / BALANCE vs. FITNESS. For example, being “fit or being able to compete in a specific sport does not mean you are healthy.” It just means you ...

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Clearmind International: Redefining what it means to be a man in today’s world

By |June 12th, 2018|Categories: Community Partners|

In recognition of this Father’s Day month, our community feature honours and celebrates our dear friends and colleagues at one of Canada’s most long-standing and renowned personal, organizational, leadership development and counselling training organizations, Clearmind International. Since its inception in the early 90’s, the emotional, mental and spiritual well-being of men has been a core element of Clearmind founders, Duane ...

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Shifting Gears on the Road to Recovery with Male Pelvic Pain and Erectile Dysfunction

By |May 26th, 2018|Categories: Conditions, Health Education, Therapies, Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Male pelvic pain is literally, ahem, a pain in a** and not often discussed or acknowledged for its impact. Men often suffer in silence and shame with pelvic pain and erectile dysfunction, and don’t know where to turn for help with these delicate topics when conventional methods have not provided relief. Treatment protocols have come a long way since the ...

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Looking for the best gift idea on Mother’s Day?

By |May 9th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Is there anything more valuable and important than health, wellbeing and happiness? Our team at Empower Health is here to support moms and the ones who love them with an amazing range of offerings that will catalyze the journey to full and vital health!   You are a gift! Visit our counselling team at Empower Health to learn how to ...

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